This is the theory sample from one of the topics from the math part of the course. As you can see, the written theory consists of detailed explanations, graphs where necessary and my comments when needed. The theory for each topic is more than enough to solve any question on that topic. The topics are covered starting from the basics and definitions, which are followed by more advanced, exam-related theory. My goal was to explain and highlight everything necessary for the entrance exam in a clear and understandable way.
This is the sample of a practice question included in the course. There will be practice exam-like questions at the end of each topic to test how well you understood the theory! They are similar to the questions you will be expected to solve on the BBE Entrance Exam. They are based on WU's official exam recommendations for applicants published on their website and both personal and my students' experience of taking and succeeding on the exam! All of the sample questions are in the Multiple Choice format to get you used to this format which will be on the entrance exam. Update: The practice questions cover the theory which is needed for the entrance exam, however, the exam questions have 5 statements per question, which you need to solve separately, making them more challenging and time consuming to solve. That is why after the regular practice tasks, more challenging ones have been added, exactly in the True/False format of the entrance exam to give you even a better idea of what to expect on the exam day. Please see the THIRD question sample to see what I mean.